Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass? - Catholic-Link (2024)

Dress to Impress For Catholic Mass?

I want to make something clear from the outset. This article is NOT about dressing to impress on Sundays. The Church is not about fashion; though, there are many beautiful chasubles, habits, stoles, and the like in the Church’s two thousand year tradition.

So, how does our own personal dress as laity matter on Sundays? I would argue that it communicates in an external way our internal priorities.

The term “Sunday Best” used to be used often to describe the very best outfit you owned. Perhaps we have lost sight of the meaning of Sunday? Perhaps our priorities just need to be reexamined? I invite you to join me on taking a look at what our Sunday best can be when it comes to what we wear.

Priorities on Display at Mass

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. In 2010, three million people were affected by an earthquake that left 230,00 people dead. To this day, the Haitian people are still recovering. Unfortunately, the government of Haiti is very corrupt. The people, by and large, are materially destitute.

I was in a rural area of the country on a mission trip a few years ago. Many of the people that we met lived in very small dwellings. Some of them cannot even be called houses, properly speaking. They were dwellings pieced together from refuse concrete and sheet metal. Most of the clothing that was worn every day was not of good quality.

There were two exceptions to the quality of clothing. First, for the children fortunate enough to go to grade school, the boys and girls dressed very well in school uniforms. It was clear that this was something worthwhile to the people we encountered. School was valued and this priority was as apparent to me as daylight.

The second thing that I noticed was the way that the people dressed for Sunday Mass. In the humid, Caribbean weather, where some people walked for miles to get to church, the people were dressed in their Sunday best. The men wore pants and nice shoes. The women wore dresses with covered shoulders and knees. I was shocked by the powerful non-verbal testimony of these beautiful people.

Perhaps because of their seemingly-abject material poverty, the spiritual wealth of these faithful Catholics shined out all the more.

Sacrifice and Supper

What we wear to Sunday Mass matters. When we go to the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we are entering into a sacred and transcendent reality. On Sunday, this occasion takes on a significantly special dimension.

First and most importantly, the Mass presents the one Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary in an unbloodied manner. Through the priesthood of Christ and the words of the ordained priest, we become present at the Last Supper and we are at the foot of the Cross. How you hold yourself, what you choose to wear, and how you participate all speak to whether you are acknowledging this reality or not.

Second, the Mass is a taste of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. The Mass has a nuptial character. Even when receiving our Blessed Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist, we use wedding language. We say, “Amen,” which means, “yes,” “so be it,” and “I believe,” but it also means, “I do.” The Bridegroom comes to His Bride, the Church. Every Mass is a wedding feast.

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Heaven Kissing Earth

Taking part in the action of the Mystical Body of Christ, we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the meeting of Heaven and Earth. Now, think about how you dress for Sunday Mass. Have you dressed appropriately for kneeling at the foot of the Cross where our redemption was won and His saving Blood is offered for us? Have you dressed appropriately for the Lamb’s Supper, the great Wedding Feast where Heaven and Earth kiss?

Chances are you, or someone you know, could dress for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass more appropriately. We need to make a statement without opening our mouths. This is not to impress anyone, but to really put our priorities in the correct order.

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What to Wear for Mass?

To match the occasion, men ought to wear dress shoes, slacks, a dress shirt, a tie, and maybe even a sports coat or suit coat (air temperature permitting) to Sunday Mass.

T-shirts or sport’s jerseys are never appropriate for Sunday Mass. Wearing a jersey to Mass says to every single person in attendance, and to God, that you care more about the game later in the day than the Mass. Additionally, shorts are never acceptable at the Sunday Mass for men. Shorts are casual wear. If we would not wear them to a business meeting, then how can we approach the King of kings dressed so casually.

I am not a woman, and so this section will be concise. I will leave it to one of the ladies to explain further what might be the “Sunday Best.” For now, I will just offer some basic thoughts. The consensus for women is: modest tops, dresses, skirts, or pants are all great. Jeans are not appropriate, as they are casual. Shoulders ought to be covered, and no plunging necklines. Chapel veils are also a possibility, though they are optional. These are worn in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord.

Stepping Up Our Sunday Wardrobe

When it comes to proper attire at Mass, the controversies never cease. I offer this writing as a guidepost and one Catholic’s opinion. Though, I think if you had to err on the side of caution, it is better to be more dressed up for the most amazing and incredible event on the planet, rather than too casual.

Think about this and pray about it. If your parish has a fairly casual feel on Sunday, perhaps you can be a trend-setter. Bringing more solemnity, joy, and decorum to the Sunday Mass is never a bad thing to do.

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Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass? - Catholic-Link (1)

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Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass? - Catholic-Link (2024)


Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass? - Catholic-Link? ›

T-shirts or sport's jerseys are never appropriate for Sunday Mass. Wearing a jersey to Mass says to every single person in attendance, and to God, that you care more about the game later in the day than the Mass. Additionally, shorts are never acceptable at the Sunday Mass for men. Shorts are casual wear.

Is there a dress code for Catholic Mass? ›

While the Church never imposes a dress code, it is important to consider dress reveals our interior disposition toward the Mass. It is not appropriate to wear shorts or t-shirts at Mass or dress immodestly. Men must never wear a hat or cap while women are allowed to wear something covering their heads.

Can Catholics wear jeans to Mass? ›

But that's not strictly about modesty, although encouraging parents and young people to avoid jeans and t-shirts is a worthwhile endeavor. Regarding men and modesty, a parish could encourage them to avoid looking like they're coming from or going to a pick-up basketball game and thus not wearing tank tops and shorts.

What is considered immodest clothing for Catholics? ›

Most dress codes have something in there about no spaghetti strap tops, midriff and back being covered, undergarments worn and covered, shorts at least fingertip length, no massive rips or holes in your clothing, and leggings are fine as long as you wear a longer shirt to cover your behind.

Is a sleeveless dress appropriate for Mass? ›

Women and girls must wear dresses or skirts that cover the knees when sitting or standing. No slacks or pant suits, please. Shorts, and sleeveless tops and dresses and revealing and tight fitting clothing are forbidden. Suggested dress for men: coat and tie, shirttail tucked in.

What is the etiquette for Catholic Mass? ›

Participate fully during Mass by joining in song and responses. Modest dress is appreciated. Men, please remove your hats. Please refrain from walking up and down the aisles during the Consecration and related prayers (from the end of the Holy, Holy to the great Amen).

Can you wear leggings to Catholic Mass? ›

Leggings can certainly be appropriate for school, work, and church, just make sure you pair them with a long-enough top.

What is the Catholic dress code? ›

Women and girls must wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee completely when sitting or standing; slacks, shorts, sleeveless, tight or low-cut clothing or dresses with long cuts or slits are to be avoided. Men and boys should wear suit coats and ties. (Except in very hot weather)

Can Catholics show shoulders? ›

So it's generally accepted that a woman's shoulders should be covered, that she shouldn't wear a low-cut top or dress, and that her skirt length should be below the knee. Some women choose to wear veils, as the sacred is veiled, because they themselves are sacred as vessels of life.

Can you have bare legs in a Catholic church? ›

Parts of the body that must be covered typically include the shoulders, chest, and legs (up to the knee).

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Paul instructed Timothy that women should “adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation” (1 Tim. 2:9), and he told the church at Corinth that “our unpresentable parts have greater modesty” (1 Cor. 12:23).

What fabric can Catholics not wear? ›

You shall not wear cloth made from wool and linen woven together (Deut. 22:11).

What is inappropriate to wear to Church? ›

No matter what type of church you go to, some things are just always considered taboo. Never wear anything that's too revealing like cut-off shorts, tank tops, and crop tops. If you want to know how to dress for church, something modest and comfortable should be fine.

Can you wear open-toed shoes in Catholic church? ›

You will need to wear formal footwear if you have any, such as dress shoes for both men and women. If you don't have a pair of formal shoes, any will do as long as they're closed-toed shoes.

Can you wear red to Catholic church? ›

At Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) and many other churches, it is a beloved tradition to wear red attire to Mass on Pentecost Sunday. This collective display of red symbolizes our unity as a community of believers, all touched by the same Holy Spirit and bound together in Christ's love.

Can Catholics wear shorts? ›

Men will refrain from wearing:

tight shirts, tight shorts or short shorts (loose fitting shirts and shorts that come to the knee recommended). women's clothing (cross-dressing).

What do you wear to a Catholic ceremony? ›

Take your cues from the invitation, the time of day, and the event type. For example, men should wear a shirt and tie for the church ceremony, while women should always go the modest route and bring a shawl to throw over their shoulders.

Do you have to wear black to a Mass? ›

Any dark color is acceptable, such as navy blue, dark gray, or brown. You should avoid wearing bright colors or patterns, as these can be seen as disrespectful. You should also avoid wearing anything too revealing, such as short skirts or low-cut tops.

What is the dress code for a Catholic viewing? ›

Men should wear a suit and tie or at least a sports coat and tie. Women should wear a black skirt or dress or pantsuit. If black clothing is not available, attendees should aim for wearing the darkest semi-formal clothes they have. It is no longer required that women wear hats, although some do.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.