Hallowed Knight - Chapter 7 - notmarshall963 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7, Deeper And Darker, (The Depths, Part two)

The first thing I can feel when I wake up is immense pain. From my shoulders. To my leg. To my head. Everything hurts. I can't see anything and my body is cold and wet. I'm missing my pack and flashlight and I have no idea where I am. Everything is going wrong.

I can't get up. Hurts too much too. Even if I could I still can't see, the floor is wet. I feel quite tired, but as tempting as it would be to sleep. I am still aware enough to know that's a bad idea. So, with great struggle. I pull myself along the slick floor.

My wet clothes get dragged along the cave floor, moving in one direction I very quickly find some water. Following along it I bump into a wall, going the other way I find another wall. With nothing along the water I follow along another wall that I can feel. Following it down the ground slowly gets dryer and dryer.

Inching forward in an agonizing crawl I see a faint red glow on the floor. Approaching it I see a red ore, similar to the purple one from earlier. But without my pickaxe I can't confirm anything else in its similarities. Looking around I can't see anything with its faint illumination. With nothing of use I drag myself forward.

The pain has slightly died down. But my guess is that my nerves are just overwhelmed, or perhaps I am getting better. But I doubt it, after what just happened there is no way I can get back up that quickly.

Just, gotta crawl more. Perhaps I will find something. Pulling myself forward I feel my hand hit something, followed by a click, something whizzes right above my head before a crack is heard nearby. That was close. And I don't even know what it was.

My hand hits another thing, something cold and metallic. Feeling around on it I find a latch. Pressing down on it I feel it move to the side slightly, pulling it open I see a faint light on the inside. Illuminating a dark, rusty metallic structure. Vaguely similar to the large lab I found, but smaller and more run down. Towers are faintly illuminated by the dim light. Along with a staircase with another dim lamp upstairs. Grabbing the walls I very slowly and carefully get up. Nearly falling twice in the process.

Using the wall and servers as support, I make my way up the stairs. I'm pretty sure my ankle is severely injured. All things considered, I'm surprised I am alive. Making my way up I have to climb up another row of stairs. After that I arrived at a small monitor and server filled room. Above me the lamp gets brighter, in the corner I see a small mechanical object open. Carefully looking in I see three things, a small device, similar to what I was given for my objectives. Next to it is a torch Ryan told me about.

And finally is a small bottle, similar in appearance to the healing potions Ryan showed me and what I used. Picking it all up I lay on the floor and get as comfortable as I can, grabbing the device I found its power button and turning it on…

“You are quite lucky to be alive. I’ll admit I was almost certain you died. But you are tougher than you look, and quite lucky at that. Despite what just happened. And I would rather you not perish before you can help me with any of my experiments. So I have given you the bare minimum to keep you alive, if you can get out of here alive. You have very good chances for the future.”

They are… helping me? Didn't they say they were going to stay out of this or something like that? Been a while since I last read that message. I’m still grateful for the help however.

If this stuff is meant to help keep me alive I think I know what this red potion is, but the torch? Is it for light? Drink the potion first then worry about the torch. Chugging the potion down I can feel my body heal, the pain is still there but I think I can at least walk and possibly run now. Fitting the glass bottle safely in my pocket I pick up the torch.

Another sensation is drawn out of me for the torch, except this time I don't even have to do anything as the torch immediately lights in my hand, looking at the flame I enjoy the slight warmth it provides. As well as the light. carefully , but not unstable, walking back down I take one last look at the servers before leaving the room, one last look at the small outpost thing.

Now back at the entrance I follow the trail of water I left behind, arriving back at where I woke up I can see moving water that's coming up from farther down, unable to see far into the water I can't tell how far it goes. I am indeed lucky, but not lucky enough to be able to find my pack or flashlight. So that makes this torch all that I have, If I get attacked I can only run unless I find another weapon.

Time to make my way down I guess, no other choice. Walking past the metal structure I find myself in a straight line of a cave, walking down I pass by many different tunnels, my visibility more limited without my flashlight. As much as I want to try and be slow and cautious about this, I dont have the time. Starvation and dehydration are very real threats in this condition.

I pay extra attention as I head down a pathway, looking around at everything, the floor, the walls, the rocks on the ground. Everything. Hopefully it will pay off.

Not much happens, for a while. Just me walking down another tunnel, lost in a grand maze underground. But the repetitiveness is broken up by a very, very familiar noise. The sound the skeleton made when it was walking before it encountered me. Remembering how the last encounter went I start to panic, I have no weapons. No tools, nothing to defend myself. Looking around I spot something, a little spot in the rocks that I could hide behind. Albeit not comfortably, but it's better than nothing, quickly getting in I feel mildly covered. But there is the issue of the torch, seeing how it just magically turned on perhaps it can magically turn off?

Bingo, that did it. Silently hiding in the corner I hold my breath as the skeleton gets closer and closer, before its right next to me around the corner, if it turns this way I think it will find me. It sounds like it keeps walking a bit more before stopping. Is it looking around?

Despite not being able to see anything I can feel the lack of air getting to me. At the same time the skeleton resumes moving, sounding like they are getting farther away. I hold my breath a little longer until I am confident they are gone. Taking a minute to clear my head and wait a little bit more I grab the torch and go the way it came from. I wonder however, was that the same skeleton?

Picking up the pace but avoiding making much noise I come across a wooden door built into the cave wall, opening it makes a loud, high pitched squeal as it opens. Keeping it still I listen for noise… Nothing

Quickly opening the door proves to be the better idea, still noisy just not as drawn out. Waking inside I see something unique, in the middle of the room appears to be a campfire, with stone benches around it, walking up I light the campfire. As per the new norm, it flares up quickly, quietly crackling as it lights up the whole room. The fire is pleasantly warm, especially with all the water still clinging to my clothes.

As I am sitting down I look around. The room is fairly barren, just scattered rocks on the floor and other rubble scattered about. Concerningly, the door lets a bit of light out. Something could walk by and see that and investigate, plus I gotta get out of the cave. So after enjoying a quick little rest. I get up and leave the room, keeping the door open to avoid making more noise.

That little rest did wonders, despite it only being what felt like a minute, I feel rejuvenated. Still not in the best of conditions, but rejuvenated nonetheless.

I’m getting real sick of seeing caves. The same bland grays only broken up by ores that I can't take. Strange houses that are down here for no apparent reasons. Skeletons that can move and are surprisingly dangerous. Traps, and very dangerous encounters. Speaking of encounters.

I hear squeaking coming from nearby, looking around everything I can't find anything or where its coming from, slowly moving I make sure not to be too slow in looking. Another squeak and its closer, this time sounding like its coming from ahead. Looking over I see a small bat approach me, its about the size of my fist. Watching it fly I slightly panic as it gets closer to me but let it continue.

Once it gets close it tries to lunge at me, stumbling back I quickly defend myself as it tries to fly at me again, trying to grab it I succeed in grabbing one of its wings. But before I can do anything it bites my hand. Flinching from the pain it manages to get away. This time flying away, hopefully for good. Keeping my eye on it I watch as it leaves my sight and hear it fly away.

The worst the bat did was draw a little blood, nothing that will kill me, just hurts slightly. Moving on I come across another ruined house, opening the door is easy and makes no noise, on the inside is a very interesting sight. The middle of the room is completely destroyed. Rocks are piled up in the middle, and on the top of the pile is a red, heart shaped gemstone. Being in its presence makes me feel nice, like a faint warmth. Getting closer to it, this feeling intensifies.

Reaching out and touching it I briefly get scared as it shatters, thinking my hand would now be filled with shards. But as I look at my hand I notice my wound is slightly healed up, still slightly bleeding, but not as much, along with the puncture wounds being smaller. As the fragments of the crystal float in the air they slowly turn to dust and disappear.

What? Well, another question for Ryan. if I see him again, of course.

After processing what just happened and accepting it, I locate the obligatory house chest. Opening it up I find a rather unique find out of everything this far. In the chest is a small, revolver like gun, picking it up I accidentally break it, but looking closer it seems that's normal. Next to it in a pile are a few bullets. Picking one up it appears to be vaguely like a shotgun shell, but looking a little closer I can make out an engraving on it. “Flare”

A flare gun huh? Don't know who would need a flare down here, but I'm sure I can find a use for it. Disappointingly there is nothing else inside the chest. Perhaps for the best, I don't think I will be able to store many more things. After securing the flare gun and its bullets on my person I leave the house, going forward the cave gains more of an upwards tilt, slowing me down.

Pushing upwards, the cave levels out again. Giving way to a much welcome, albeit unusual change to the cave. A sudden shift from grey stone to white marble, from bland walls to smooth looking ones. Pillars connecting the floor to the ceiling, built much like an ancient civilization but with no apparent interference. No signs that people did something here.

Walking farther in I feel like I just stepped into another world with the sheer abrupt change in the scenery. And from what little I can see, I enjoy it. The cave is now more like a grandiose hallway. Granted a major downside is that I can hear my footsteps echoing more.

Wait, what is that? Getting closer I find a marble door, with faded text above it. What is this? Trying to open the door is slightly difficult, as all the stone makes it stubborn to move. Finally opening it I watch helplessly as it speeds up and smacks into the stone wall, making a loud rock against rock noise.

Just going inside I am amazed once again by what I can see, entering what feels like a smaller, nice wait room. With multiple chairs laid out next to each other, a marble table in the corner where two chairs meet. On the other side of the room are several lined paintings, whatever paint was used for them was faded from time.

In the middle of the room is a small reception area, a tall U shaped desk, with a marble chair behind it. And on its left and right is a stairway and a door. Many different pathways to explore. Hopefully this won't be a waste of time, there has to be something I can use in a place like this, just a question of where.

Not wanting to be so close to the front door I quickly decide to head to the right, opening the door I am greeted by the sight of a long, ruined hallway. Rocks litter the floor and old armor statues line the hall. Each statue holds a big weapon ranging from axes, to swords, to maces. Inconvenient for me at the moment, as I cannot both properly use those weapons and hold anything else at the same time, meaning I would have to sacrifice my light in order to use them.

On the other side is a row of more faded paintings. I pick out one to inspect. What can be made out appears to depict a lively town, people walking about. But other things are too gone to be seen. This could be taken outside on a sunny day, or this could be taken in this very cave. If I was not in this life or death situation I would love to take more time. Now that I am thinking about it I think I have skipped out on a few chances from earlier.

Also on the left side is another marble door, with no resistance the door opens, looking inside I see a few bunk beds, and the back left portion of the room appears to be entirely crushed. A row of four bunk beds are on the right before ending in a crushed bunk bed, between each bed is a tall, dual layered nightstand, and on the left there are three bunk beds, each with the same nightstands, on two of the nightstands are helmets with dull yellow around the face, and a faded red at the top like a feather.

Going into the room I pick up one of the helmets, looking it over I can't help but like I have seen it before, but the thought barely escapes me. Putting it back I walk out of the room and continue down the hall and think about what this place must have looked like when it was in more proper condition. Must have been beautiful.

Walking into a larger room I see paintings and armors lining the wall. In the back left corner of the room is another hallway. And in the other corner appears to be either a caved in hallway. Or just happens to look as such. Walking over into the hallway I find it's just a small curved room that leads to a staircase, much like a staircase in old castles.

I get an uneasy feeling heading up the stairs, who knows how old this place is. And unlike the lab I don't feel as confident in the steps to hold me. Lucky for me it does not go on for long, spiraling around until I arrive into a short hallway. It appears to have caved in, leaving only a door to my right. Continuing onto the next room I am greeted by the sight of a large amount of rubble, most of the room has evidently caved in, any distinguishing features long gone. The most identifiable features appear to be tables. Walking around I can't help but feel a sense of melancholy. What was this place? What is this room?

Wait. What is that noise?

A sound of clanking can be heard, presumably metal on the floor. Something is approaching.

Quickly looking around for a place to hide, I can't find one in the room. Going back to the door I entered from, I find that the noise is not coming from that direction, quickling heading back down the stairs, deciding to hide behind them, the spiral staircase decently covering my body, but nothing else is behind it. If whatever is here looks for me here, I will be found.

Any idea of finding a better spot is quickly silenced as the noise approaches, quickly extinguishing my torch I wait. As it sounds like it’s descending the stairs I hold my break and be as silent as possible. It descends the stairs at a slow rate, taking a step every second. As it nears the bottom I hear it take a step down right above me. Whatever is on the other side seems to continue on as normal, progressing down the hallway. And while I could stay and hide, I think I would be here forever. Waiting a little longer until I can barely hear the footsteps I step out of my hiding spot.

I wish I had a weapon, but with what happened when I tried to fight the skeleton I dont think a weapon is going to solve all my problems. Besides, those weapons out in the hall are too large for me to wield properly. I would have to either use both hands or risk damaging my shoulder trying to one hand them. And that's assuming they are real weapons.

Quietly rushing up the stairs I arrive back at the collapsed room, this time with no other noises. Going into the room more I follow the destroyed wall. Looking closer I can see a part of the ceiling that forms a little cave. Large enough for me to fit into, could be a good hiding spot should I need it. But it would take a minute to get into not to mention how awkward it would be.

Still following the wall I come up on another door, pushing it open I can hear something lightly fall. Must be blocked then, and this time I can't break it open. Not with something around that could hear it. Leaving the door I continue following the wall to another door, this must be where it came from as the other door is blocked. And the dead giveaway being how it's already opened. Just from looking in I can already tell this is the other side of the collapsed wall.

Looking to the left I see the collapse, did not need to check it. But I just wanted to, walking down to the right I enter a hallway. Walking down I find a door on the right, walking more I almost instantly find two staircases on the left, the left staircase appears to be collapsed part way in. while the right one appears to be fine. Likely the stairs from when I first entered.

Between the two staircases on the other side is a large, heavy door. Trying to open it I find it's either stuck, locked, or really heavy. Regardless, I can't open it. Continuing onwards I find another door on the right a dozen meters away from where the large door was, seeming almost exactly the same as the door before the stairs.

Continuing down the hallway I hear the same clanking noise I hear from earlier, this time it sounds like it came from near the stairs. And it also sounds like its heading up the stairs. Moving quickly I go forwards, another door on my right. Trying to open it I am terrified to find that it is blocked by rocks. While it can open, I would make a lot of noise. And what little noise it did make appears to have alerted the thing on the stairs, as I can hear it speed up. Quickly starting to run down the hall, I hear the thing enter the hallway.

Running down the hall I enter another spiral staircase room, still hearing the footsteps behind me I head down. As I turn to rush down the stairs I hear the sound of something smacking into the pillar behind me, as I turn to look at it without stopping I can see what I only can recognize as a yellow spear, with a bit of red cloth around it. Continuing to run down the stairs find that halfway down the stairs have collapsed. With no time to figure out much of a plan I drop down, landing on the remains of the collapsed stairs.

Running down the small hallway I enter a larger room, following the walls I find more paintings and even more statues, the footsteps have become slightly quiet, but still evidently chasing me as the sounds of something descending the staircase echo to me, finding another hallway I run faster down it. A plan forms in my mind, all I need is to hope this place is symmetrical.

Passing by a closed door I quickly try to open it, trying to make a possible distraction. The door flies open and smacks the wall of the room, making a loud noise. Continuing down the hallway I find an open door, likely where that thing went after I first heard it. Running out it I find myself back in the lobby room, the sound of something falling behind me fill me with confidence, I can outrun this thing.

Quickly hiding behind the desk I extinguish my torch. The sounds of something running quickly pass by before stopping a little away, presumably investigating the formerly closed door. Silently I hope it buys the bait, It may be obvious, but this thing just needs to be dumb enough to fall for it. Slowly its steps grow a little quieter and slower, it seems to have fallen for the bait. Making my way out from behind cover I slowly follow the back wall towards the stairs. From there I quietly make my way up the stairs, making sure to step lightly to not make any noise.

As I arrive at the top I quickly ignite my torch and get out of sight of the stairs and try one of the smaller doors at the top. With mild ease they open silently. Stepping inside I close the door behind me. The inside of the room has couches on the left and right wall, one at each corner. Between the couches are statues. And between the statues and the couches are large empty bowls on tables. A very fancy waiting room. What a strange place. It feels like a bizarre fusion between a castle, and a government building.

The next room is quite grand, leaning more into the castle aspect. Despite the massive collapse at the back of the room. On both sides of the room are white banners emblemed with two spears and a shield in the middle. The spears look exactly like what was thrown at me.

The floor has a faded purple connecting to other carpets that are in front of doors. The combined carpet leads to a throne. The throne has golden armrests and a purple cushion. Aside from that it appears rather plain for a throne room. Going up to the throne I dont spot anything else. But it is decently wide, I could hide there if need be.

So far this whole trip has been a waste of time, I spent so much time here when I could have continued finding a way out. But at the same time I am slightly safer here, no traps as far as I can tell, and I know where the only other thing in here roughly is. Still, won't get me out of here alive.

Without warning, I hear a door open nearby, quickly hiding behind the throne I extinguish my light and wait. Hoping it did not see the torch light. Unable to do anything else I sit and wait for it to pass as the door to the room opens, albeit I don't know which one. The footsteps walk forward into the room, getting closer to me. Step it slightly far away, could just be walking into this room and quickly looking. Step It's getting closer. Perhaps it's checking the throne up close? Step its right in front of the throne.

CLANK Something lands right next to me, either it knows I am here, or it's about to round this corner to grab this. It's time for action. Grabbing my Torch I ignite it and run, remembering about the thing it threw at me and my encounter with the skeleton, I make sure not to go in a straight line and occasionally randomly move in a direction. Seems like whatever is after me was not expecting that, as all its throws missed. It's scary how fast it can throw.

Reaching the left door I fling it open and shut it behind me not bothering to even try and close it. Same for the next door, now out in the long hallway I run down the stairs to the exit, every step down echoes loudly, not like stealth was an option at this point. Almost falling down the stairs I hear the door upstairs slam open and its boots to clank on the floor. I need to get out of the stairway, I am an easy target here.

Steps away from the bottom I feel a spear graze my left shoulder. Nothing like the skeletons assault but still hurts. Reaching the bottom I fling myself behind the desk, narrowly avoiding a spear that would have hit my back. Not stopping, I messily vault over the desk, stubbing my foot in the process and almost falling. Rushing for the door I discover it's shut. Trying to open it I panic as it stays shut. Slamming against it does not work. With the footsteps getting closer I quickly reach for the flare gun.

As the footsteps get down the stairs I quickly fumble with trying to load the thing, unsure if I even did it right. Closing it I aim up and wait for the first possible sign of the thing. All I can see is the room and the bottom of the stairs with the light my torch can provide. As expected the footsteps are at the bottom, I see some sort of boots and I aim at where a torso would be, and fire.

Unable to see my attacker due to the flare I quickly try to capitalize off of the sudden brightness and run for the right side door. Entering it I ensure it's closed behind me, running for the stairs I fly up them with a goal in mind.

Rushing into the collapsed hallway I enter the door to the other collapsed room. Then take the door on the other side out. Hopefully that thing won't go up the stairs. Entering the hallway I can still see the flare is going off. Its light slightly fills up the hallway. Letting me see a good distance ahead. Passing by the flared stairway I slightly cover my eyes from the light.

I see the stubborn door from before, with no need for subtleness I quickly start forcing it open. Large rocks fall on the floor causing quite a rumbling. But with the door fully open I barge inside. What I find pleases me.

Multiple smaller weapons and even some armor is held up in this room. Quickly grabbing a golden sword I quickly test it on the floor, not the best idea but if it scratches it likely is good. Swiping it on the floor I hear it scrape and I see a decent scratch on the floor. Fastly checking the tip of the blade it appears to be fine. Might be durable enough to hurt something with. And it's surprisingly light.

Looking around more I dont have time to look closer, the only other thing I can notice are gym-like lockers in the middle of the room. But my panic and presumed lack of time pushes me to hide and prepare an ambush of my own. Putting my torch down I am relieved to see it is still lit up, grabbing it I put it behind an armor statue and wait, its light faintly illuminating the doorway. I sit in wait for a minute, hearing the flare die down as the light outside dies down. Swiftly followed by the footsteps again, getting quieter and quieter I will have to wait longer for it to come in here, it will notice the open door.

Brushing a little closer to the corner I feel a little pressure in one of my pockets. Quickly feeling what it is I feel a smooth glass surface, the healing potion from that lab. Pulling it out I quickly realize a use for it. Slightly closing the door I wind my arm back and chuck it into the other side of the room. The shattering of the glass feels deafening, good, that should get its attention.

After pulling the door shut a little more I get a stronger grip on my “borrowed” sword and wait. Evidently it heard the glass. Its boots echo through the hallway as it rapidly charges up the stairs and over to the room. Stepping it, it has its back towards me. Quickling looking it up and down I see it's covered in yellowish-reddish armor. Much like the spears. Unable to see any weak point. I just strike at it.

Not expecting the ambush, it gets knocked down. Swinging my sword again I rip off a little bit of its armor but my swings are not consistent, varying in height and location, unable to capitalize off the torn armor I just keep hitting its armor.

Quickly kicking towards me and hitting me in the legs I get slightly knocked back and nearly tripped over, quickly charging again towards the thing that had been stalking me. It rolls to the side, now on its back I can see its faintly illuminated face, yet another skeleton. Wearing a similar helmet as to the one I found downstairs, trying to decapitate it fails as it blocks my swing with its spear, getting up we are now on equal footing. Sword versus spear.

Recognizing my immense disadvantage I try to move out into the hallway, but am stopped by the skeleton charging at me forcing me to dodge to the side, but it slows down and swipes to the side, cutting me a bit and blocking me off. Backing up into the darker part of the room I get an idea, taking a hand off the sword I grab my flare gun and open it, holding it in my mouth I reach for its flares, grabbing one I put it in and close it back up, messily moving around in the process.

Having wandered into a back corner of the room and trying to escape I quickly dash down a row of large lockers, although they could be something else. Not that I have the time to look. Rushing towards the door the skeleton cuts me off, not as dumb as previously presumed. Noticing how its spear is pointed straight at me I decide to try something I wanted to try as a kid.

Lowering my sword down and right I charge the skeleton, as I get close I swing my sword up, trying to either knock its weapon out of its hand, or break it. Despite doing neither it does throw its balance off, giving me room to run past and into the hall, quickly shutting the door on my way out.

Without my torch I take the flare gun and aim down the hall before firing. Closing my eye for a second I hear the flare burning as it rushes down the hallway, looking to the side I open my eyes and maneuver my way to the stairs. Once the flare is out of my line of sight I properly walk down the stairs. Rushing to the bottom as the skeleton opens the door, now at the bottom I quickly reload another flare, aiming to end this encounter.

Taking another ambush position behind the counter I wait to hear it walking down the stairs, listening closely for its feet descending over the sound of the flare crackling. A few seconds pass and I hear nothing. A few more seconds and still nothing. Until another dozen seconds later when the flare starts to die down, where I can hear footsteps lightly approaching from a different direction.

Looking down the left hall I can see the armored skeleton approaching, closing my eyes I fire the flare, opening them a second later I see that I missed. Despite being a devastating miss, I still take advantage of it. Falling back I go into the room with the large weapons. Now free of my torch and with the flare illuminating the hallway I drop my sword and pick up a large mace, wrestling it out of the statues hands

With a crash the statue falls over, armor scattering around on the floor. The mace is heavy in my hands. Walking around the fallen statue I stand out of direct line of sight of the door, trying to avoid any spears that may get thrown at me. Now to just wait.

The seconds pass, while I could charge in and swing at it while the flare is still burning I don't think that would be a good idea, I would not be able to properly look at where I am swinging, additionally that would put me closer to it and it would be able to see me easier.

Footsteps sound right outside the door, it seems the skeleton is back to moving, waiting a bit more I see the skeletons' shadow stretch into the hallway from the flare. It slowly steps closer, once it enters the hallway I quickly strike at it, swinging the mace like a bat.

The skeleton steps backwards, causing me to miss and smack the wall, damaging it. Ripping it back out I put a bit too much weight in it, causing me to lose my balance and overswing. Putting my back to the skeleton. Trying to fix my mistake I quickly move forward and to the side, moving outside its stab range. Turning back around I see it's quickly going to throw another spear.

Ducking and moving to my left I dodge the throw. Seeing how it has no weapon in its hands I charge at it, preparing to swing my mace like a bat yet again. The skeleton reaches its hand to its back and quickly pulls out another spear from nowhere, grabbing its spear with both hands, it blocks my swing albeit not without consequence as its spear breaks. Holding the mace awkwardly in front of it like a sword I decided to try a last ditch idea with the mace.

Rearing it back above my head I aim at the skeleton, bringing my arms forward I chuck my mace directly at it, with moderate speed the mace flies towards the skeleton. And with my lack of experience with throwing axes or the like I am still pleased by the fact I manage to hit it in the leg.

Backing up a bit I grab my sword that I dropped. Holding it in my hands I go back up, the skeleton got another spear by now, and is preparing to throw it. Moving towards it I instead fake a dodge, acting like I'm going to go to the right and down, and instead I go to the left, falling for the bait its weapon is launched at where it thought I was going to go.

Now that its defenseless I quickly slash it at, and with the light sword I am quicker on the draw. Getting a slash on it and ripping up a good portion of its frontal armor, exposing some bones. Once again it reaches behind itself and gets another spear, this time holding it instead of blocking or throwing.

Watching the skeleton we both dont move, at this point my heart has been beating in my chest for a while, exhaustion is getting to me. At first it was from fear. I was defenseless and had to hide. Each time this thing passed by my heart rate shot up in fear. Walking the halls was terrifying just knowing that something could find me, then the first chase happened. Running away I felt terror. It had a weapon and was using it. I'm surprised I managed to hold my breath when I was hiding.

Then I hid behind the throne, and it found me. Running away from there I was just focused on escaping. I had no way to defend myself. Sure, I could have taken some of the weapons from earlier, but I would have had to ditch my torch to just hold it. even if I did leave my torch on the ground I would not be able to see it, while it could barrage me.

Then I found that other room, the room with the sword and other lighter weapons in it. Ones I can wield while keeping my torch. I took the sword, as that's the one I am the most familiar with. And once I got it my mentality changed, no longer was I scared and defenseless. I am scared and armed.

Still staring each other down it appears we are at a stalemate, I could strike first but risk being exposed, or it could attack first and give me a chance to attack. Seems when it comes to combat this thing is decently smart.

Each second we spend standing there I can feel myself growing more exhausted, this is more strenuous than almost anything I have done before. More exciting. Never thought I would get enjoyment out of fighting for my life, but here we are.

The skeleton finally decides to break the silence, throwing their spear at my head. Caught off guard I feel the world slow down around me again, just like when I thought that skeleton was about to kill me, and also like that time I was climbing the rocks when I first got here.

Throwing myself to the side I still move slowly, getting back up as quick as I can in this slowed state I rush the skeleton, already being close to them I reach them before they can reach another spear. Stabbing their chest I feel a small sense of gratification as it slowly slides in.

leaving my sword in it I reach down for the heavy mace, with ease I lift it above my head and bring it down on top of the skeletons. A sense of victory as it crushes its skull and sinks into its chest. Before it crashes into the floor. The thing that was chasing me, the thing that was stalking me. And the thing that tried to kill me, dead.

Taking a large breath I feel the world go back to normal speed, simultaneously I feel some pain shoot up around my body and a major sense of exhaustion wash over me. Before I know it, I feel my sense of balance shift as I collapse onto the floor. The last few things I feel are the rapid beating of my heart, the cold stone floor, and the sound of a door opening.

“Wonderful, He has survived such a delicate situation. And that behavior at the end of his fight with the Hoplite, Ethan shows great potential. Yes, they show great odds of overcoming my experiments.

However an unexpected factor has been added due to the Devourers careless nature, I shall be sure to keep my eyes on those other two. But for now they do not appear to be interfering. But just in case, I think modifications are in order for future experiments for the odds of all them not meeting are slim. It's just a matter of time.”

Hallowed Knight - Chapter 7 - notmarshall963 (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.